
We frequently attend industry events and conferences. We are a headline sponsor for different events. Last year we sponsored BHASe23. If you missed out on BHASe23, you can watch videos from the panels here:

BHASe23: Young Professionals of Behavioral Health – YouTube

BHASe23 – Panel #2: M&A in Behavioral Health – YouTube

BHASe23 – Panel #3: Opportunities and the Concerns for Creating a Telehealth/Virtual Care Program – YouTube

If you are interested in speaking with us at an event, fill out the form below so we can schedule time with you. We also attend events as speakers if you are holding an event, you can also let us know by filling out the form! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Name And Title

Why Should I Trust BHX to Help Me Plan for the Future of My Behavioral Health Business?

Newest and most well known name in behavioral health M&A

We’re fun to work with and have seen everything in behavioral and mental health M&A